Spinal Health Centre - Chiropractor Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Review №1

Often get full spinal issues due to long sitting. With Dr Sharik Alis precise adjustments this is no longer a problem. Best doctor in Dubai.

Review №2

With my driving I sometimes feel tension but with the adjustments from Dr Sharik Ali I have noticed improved mobility in my neck. I would recommend this to others. Thanks Doctor.

Review №3

Great experience with Dr Sharik Ali of the Spinal Health Centre. Very knowledgeable doctor with masterful expertise in his hands. This is the perfect doctor.

Review №4

Thank you Dr Sharik for your expertise and superb treatment, which has left me relaxed and pain free.

Review №5

My wife: I was suffering with severe back pain and migraines for the last 8 months and migraines for 3 years. I also had carpal tunnel issues during pregnancy and since the birth of my 16 month son. The pain would affect me continually and the pain levels would fluctuate from high to very severe. It was affecting the relationship with my family and I couldn’t cope. Before coming to Dr Sharik I had homeopathy treatment for 8 months, Ayurveda for 3 months and pain killers in order to help, but medical doctors were not able to diagnose. Unfortunately nothing helped until I came to see Dr. Sharik Ali within only 4 sittings I am fully healed of these issues. It is amazing the carpal tunnel is even cured without the doctor needing to work on my hands. I am very pleased and would recommend everyone to try chiropractic care with Dr Sharik Ali

Review №6

Quite frankly Dr Sharik Ali helped me with chiropractic adjustments to my neck. He had helped ease my tension and neck pain. I recommend this treatment choice highly.

Review №7

I would personally like to share my honest and sincere experience in this place, I have been suffering from upper and lower back pain now for more than 2years.I think Dr Sharik Ali is an absolute pretender he pretends as if he cares when in fact he does not, all he cares about is your money. Stop promising patients that you can actually take away their pain when in fact you cant, even after explaining to this same Dr Sharik that my beloved elder brother passed away in 2017 after suffering from the same pain he was like am sure he did not get all the medical attention needed well let me tell you something he surely did not see a Chiropractor but you have no idea of the intensive medical attention he got my friend. By the way you pay in a total of 4,122AED for 6 visits my dear people 6 visits that lasted for 20 seconds each really 20 seconds and not even providing a full body spine adjustment.Here is what baffles me the most he asked for my phone and asked me to go to Google map I gave him my phone thinking that he wanted to give me a location or rather recommend me to someone else when in fact he went ahead and gave him self a 5 star review on his page and posted a creepy comment without my authorization without my permission thinking that I will never come to notice it and which I believe he has done with many of his patients and that was a sign of self selfishness and total disrespect.I hope this review get to help alot of people and just to let them know that you deserve better than the services provided in this clinic.

Review №8

Dr Sharik Ali is a true professional and an expert healer. I would often get problems in my neck when I would turn to the lestnor right. I also found the cold AC would also aggravate thr condition. I am very happy to say I now feel completely relaxed and pain free under the doctors care and guidance. This is truely the place to come if one is seeking real results, rather than temporary pain relief.

Review №9

Have been struggling with my neck, upper and lower back for more than a year now. 4 appointments in and feeling 4 x better already! Dr Sharik has been amazing in my treatment! So much improvement in my body functionalities already! Looking forward to completing my treatment! Highly recommend his professional services. And the ystrap adjustments are just WOW!!

Review №10

Felt great after Dr Sharik Alis treatments. Really helped as I spend long hours sitting in my work. Definitely recommend him as one of the best in Dubai.

Review №11

Since coming to see Dr Sharik Ali I feel more mobility in the neck and in the spine. Before I could not sleep due to pain in the spine which would radiate to my chest and ribs. Now I can sleep fine. I feel positive about my health, and I am glad I have taken care with Dr Ali.

Review №12

Overall experience with Dr. Ali is very positive. I am listening to my body, taking notice of balance, and increased energy levels. Sessions are productive and results oriented.

Review №13

Driving long hours will no longer be an issue now thanks to Dr Sharik Alis expertise. His knowledge and treatment had great results for my neck, shoulder and upper back pain. This is now only a distant memory. This is the best doctor in Dubai for sure as he gets results, not just textbook theory.

Review №14

I have thoroughly benefitted and enjoyed the treatments offered by Dr. Sharik Ali. His diagnosis has been accurate and his treatment effective and pain free. Highly recommend.

Review №15

I had pain in the lower back as well as behind the left knee. That was going on for some time and was not allowing me to sit or stand and my sleep was disturbed as I couldnt turn in bed. Since coming to see Dr Sharik Ali I have improved tremendously. Thanks to the Doctor I can now walk and stand without pain. I have no more pain in the lower back which is a big time difference and benefit. I am so happy that I have achieved this without surgery or medication. I would of course recommend this to others as the treatment is painless and non-invasive. Very happy.

Review №16

My neck feels loose like a babys after treatment with Dr Sharik Ali. This is the perfect treatment for those with neck stiffness and mobility issues.

Review №17

I feel much much better. Before I was getting daily pain in the neck shoulder and lower back. O needed daily massages but it seemed to be getting worse. Since starting care with Dr Sharik Ali those pains have completely gone and I am for sure happy that I came to see the doctor

Review №18

Just they want offer a expensive and long treatment. Have better options in Dubai.

Review №19

Great to see Dr Sharik Ali. Massively helped me overcome pain, pressure and tension in my neck and back, which I had been suffering with for weeks. Massive improvement within a few days. Would highly recommend to anyone.

Review №20

Simply perfect. Dr Sharik Ali provided the best course of adjustments. This is the doctor you need to visit.

Review №21

Dr Sharik Ali provided me with great spinal adjustments for my spine and muscle tension. Highly recommended

Review №22

Really happy to meet Dr Sharik Ali. He helped my spine and neck. Professional care

Review №23

Excellent treatment delivered by Dr Sharik Ali. Everyone needs this type of natural care. A truly wonderful doctor.

Review №24

Dr.Sharik Ali . We’re about to catch a flight and I hurt my back, I saw him within hours to leave Dubai.! He is awesome.! He is great.

Review №25

I recommend Dr shariq Ali, he know his job. Even his one treatment can bring you great results. My wife and myself started and great output.

Review №26

I always had knots and tension in my neck and shoulder. It was unbearable pain. One week of care with Dr Sharik Ali has done wonders already. My pain in the neck has improved by 80%, it is not spreading to the arms any more and I also have more flexibility. If one week can cure me so much, then I am sure the next few weeks will cure me completely!

Review №27

By the Grace of Allah I feel fantastic. I would get regular headaches and severe tension in both shoulders. With doctor Sharik Alis cervical spine adjustments I feel he really hit the spot in my upper neck, exactly where the issue was rooted. Now alhamdulillah I feel great and am confident I dont need the pain killers previously prescribed.

Review №28

Dr Sharik Ali provided me with an expert consultation, explained my issue and my issue has been resolved. I would recommend his care for those persons who are serious about correcting their health. There are thousands of therapists in Dubai but very few true experts like this doctor.

Review №29

I felt so much lighter after my session with Dr. Sharik Ali. I had alot of tension before coming in but leaving i felt so good. Such an amazing Doctor!! So friendly and funny.

Review №30

I get shoulder pains, and frequent urination. I would take so many medications, but either any help. thankfully I met Dr Sharik Ali, who provided sound advice, perfect chiropractic care, and has a nice bedside manner. I recommend this doctor to all.

Review №31

What can I say? I was skeptical at the beginning, weather chiropractic treatment will work for my back, knee and tail bone problem or not. It is natural to get these doubts after spending so much of money and time taking other treatments.I must say, I was wrong. I have started feeling the changes from first few sessions. I am midway in my treatment, I wonder where my back and tail bone pain are. I wasn’t able to bend down and touch my toes, now able to do with ease without pain. I didn’t even realize that I don’t have tail bone pain till Dr. Sharik asked how is your tailbone pain. Knee is much better and still half way more to get it sorted out. Dr. Sharik, knows what he is doing. You want a fix to long-standing issues with back, spine he is the person to go to.

Review №32

Before coming to see Dr Sharik I had pain in the whole of my spine. I was not able to walk up the stairs. I had been suffering with chronic pain for the last 6 years minimum. When things once got very severe I had to even go to Medcare hospital once in the emergency due to the most severe pain. I was advised surgery for my lower back nerve problem. I refused this but ended up having an epidural. Since then I kept on being put on drips and constant medications for the last 4 years but I was seeing only temporary relief. With heavy medication such as Lyrica, legaflex and fucidin I ended up feeling very lethargic and side effects were harsh.Upon coming to Dr Sharik Ali’s first consultation, my husband and I both got a good feeling that he will be able to help.By the Grace of Allah I am so pleased to say that within less than two weeks I am now I am free from pain! I am able to walk up and down the stairs several times a day without any issues. For the first time in 3 years I can pray standing and kneeling on the ground without using a chair. My husband was so pleased and shocked to see this. Dr Sharik Ali is my angel and he has given me a new level of confidence for my body and the future.

Review №33

Superb! dr sharik Ali is an excellent healer. his explanations are great and makes it easy to understand your condition and his treatments are perfect. highly recommended.

Review №34

Since coming to see Dr Sharik Ali I have noticed good reduction in pain and feeling much better. I would highly recommend.

Review №35

Perfect chiropractic treatment from Dr. Sharik Ali. Friendly nature and prescision in his spinal corrections. The best and no need to go any place else!

Review №36

Expert consultion with examination and good assessment of my condition. The joint correction treatments given to me by Dr Sharik Ali were powerful and unique. Perfect experience.

Review №37

I came to see Dr Sharik Ali as my wife was recommended him by a friend. I was getting severe neck pain with reduced mobility. It was especially worse during the day while at work. It was affecting me for 6 months after a car crash, and was gradually getting worse. Since coming to see Dr Sharik I must say the pain has almost gone and I now only get a slight grating and click when turning to the right. Overall it is so much better and I am very happy to have consulted Dr Ali. I have even brought my whole family to regularly see Dr Ali and they are also under care.

Review №38

I initially came to Dr Sharik due to severe back pain and an ongoing disc bulge in the lumbar spine which became aggravated after lifting and manoeuvring a heavy patient at work. I am a radiographer at American Hospital in Dubai so am regularly positioning patients which puts stress on my back. Within just a couple of weeks I am so much better. There is no pain while working and others have noticed my posture has immensely improved. I am a lot more straighter and can easily straighten my back and stand tall. I have would definitely advise other doctors and patients to consult with Dr Sharik Ali. He has helped me so much and diagnosed my disc where it was otherwise missed.

Review №39

Before my fathers position was not good. He needed assistance to his daily activities. He required continual help. Alhamdulillah with Dr Sharik Ali he is able to walk freely on his own without any help at all. He can perform wudu with no issue, and whats best is that this doctor has goven him no medicine at all. Before we were so worried when the orthopaedic surgeons said he must have an operation for his knees pain. They said he needed total knee replacements for both knees. But with Dr Sharik Alis help there is no need for such drastic measures. He has been saved from surgery, which at age 71 which we were not comfortable with. Alhamdulillah I am very happy with his result and may Allah Taala bless Dr Ali for his work.

Review №40

Dr Sharik Ali is a true expert and professional. He evaluated my condition first and did everything to make a formal diagnosis before administering his treatment. I can see the benefit Dr provides and I am thankful to be under his guidance.

Review №41

Excellent. Dr Sharik Ali is a gentleman and his chiropractic skills are the best. Just the type of doctor you need in Dubai.

Review №42

For so many years I had pain in the left shoulder and leg. It would go on for so long and every night I would rub balm to try and help. Every night I would ask my wife to try to massage and relieve the pain but it would persist. I would often watch videos of special healers working with their hands but was unaware such people exist, until I met the best. Dr Sharik Ali immediately identified the issue in my neck. He made a correction and it made a huge sound. Thanks to God I immediately felt relief after so many years of pain. I feel as though the arm and shoulder has become light and pain free. I am very grateful to Dr Sharik Ali. Healers like this are hard to come by.

Review №43

I was not able to even stand properly. Any movement, whether lying, sitting, standing ir walking was hurting and disturbing my life. This had been getting worse for the last one year and me down. I consulted several orthopaedic surgeons and medical doctors but I got no relief. I was then receommended by a colleague to visit Dr. Sharik Ali. I must say I am so very happy with the initial examination, and thorough evaluation and xrays done by the doctor, which gave me confidence in his methods. But the best part is the treatment given to me. Especially during the last 3 days using the doctors deep red laser treatment, I feel great and can bend almost to touch my toes. I do not need to support myself anymore, and best of all, my confidence has improved. I am very thankful and grateful for Dr Sharik Alis follow-up, care and attention.

Review №44

Daily headaches since the last day of Ramadan. Nothing helping. After seeing Dr Sharik Ali, he gave me amazing chiropractic adjustments in the neck and I immediately felt great difference and healing. Thanks Dr

Review №45

My issue was I had a lot of discomfort in my back and a lit of tension. The pain had been continuing for one year and a half and breathing was difficult. I would often have difficulty sleeping due to the pain and my daily work was a big challenge. I could not sit or work on the computer. It was terrible waking in the morning. I tried many other doctors in the past in Kenya including 3 other chiropractors in Kenya. Previously I had only got some temporary relief but no permanent solution. I came to Dubai to open my company and I wanted to make sure my health is taken care of as well. I found Dr. Sharik Ali by searching online and I went through some of his reviews, which gave me confidence and I decided to give it a chance. I must say the results have been great. I now have no more discomfort! I am even going to the gym now and working out without any issues and I have increased energy, where before I would feel tired. Before I would look for a sharp corner to lean and press my back muscles for relief, but now there is absolutely no issue there. Though I have had previous chiropractic experience with others, I must say the followup with Dr Sharik Ali is very thorough and he explained to me exactly what my issues were. I am surprised previously none of the other doctors had requested an MRI and I am glad Dr Sharik was thorough. The overall result with Dr Ali is 100% different and better than the other chiropractors and I would 100% recommend others to make a trip from their home country and visit Dr Sharik Ali at the Spinal Health Centre in Dubai.

Review №46

Care and attention was excellent. DR Sharik Ali has relieved my back stresses perfectly which is very surprising as I had been suffering back stress for many years. Must see him

Review №47

Dr. Shark has assisted me in recovering from uncomfortable joint ailments that I had been suffering from for the past 2.5 years. His approaches and the care he gives his patients are second to none, and I strongly suggest him to anyone experiencing similar challenges or concerns about their overall well-being.

Review №48

Dr Sharik Alis treatment was simply amazing. I now feel refreshed and light. Highly recommend to persons suffering from severe conditions.

Review №49

Big movement in my whole spine. I never imagined such relaxation was possible though it seems this is quite normal with Dr Sharik Alis treatment. He works with complete confidence and I am sure I will continue to feel great

Review №50

Best treatment from Dr Sharik Ali. He ticks all the boxes!

Review №51

Dr Sharik Ali has great treatment and healing ability. Immediately he helped me with his precise adjustment. He has a professional technique system and I would highly recommend him.

Review №52

Before I couldnt sit in a chair and I needed assistance to help me out of bed. Alhamdulillah with Dr Sharik Alis care and attention I am able to sit without issues and I can stand up with no assistance. My goal with Allahs help is to be able to kneel down and pray. With Dr Sharik Ali inshAllah we will achieve this.

Review №53

Neck immediately feels fantastic and my eyes have opened widely. Perfect treatment. Thank you dr Sharik

Review №54

Things have improved a lot lot better on my right shoulder since seeing Dr Sharik Ali. I was getting clicking sounds with pain immediately during daily activities and it was most painful when training in the gym. It is 85% better now and I feel better. Going to the gym is no issue at all now.

Review №55

Neck feels relaxed and great. Easy to turn head when driving. Thanks Dr Sharik Ali

Review №56

Dr sharik Ali was the best, I feel much better

Review №57

Dr Sharik Ali fixed my upper back tension and which would cause headaches every 10 to 15 days. Very appreciative of his help.

Review №58

My friend came in on a wheelchair and after 7 minutes with the dr sharik alis laser, his pain went away 70 percent alhamdulilah and he doesnt need the wheelchair. thabk you so much doctor.

Review №59

Adjustments were precise and hit the spine for my pain. Very professional and accurate diagnosis. Thanks

Review №60

Excellent chiropractic adjustment with Dr Sharik Ali. I instantly felt better. No more tiredness or tension. And no wasting my time with long therapy sessions. I have been clearly explained it takes time to get the spine corrected and I require repeated visits to get my spine rehabilitated. I was very happy that the doctor explained to me clearly that real lasting results cannot be achieved with a quick fix. Clarity is most important. Thank you.

Review №61

MashAllah excellent trestment with Dr sharik Ali. I feel great.

Review №62

Had an amazing adjustment with Dr Sharik Ali. My spine made noises like a firecracker. This was the perfect valentine gift better than flowers. I feel a lot lighter and this will help me with my job as I am lifting old people a lot. Feel good

Review №63

I explained to Dr Sharik Ali that I get cold hands and that I get stressed and anxious. After the doctors treatment I felt great, more relaxed and calm. I am confident this will help me relax and also for my overall circulation.

Review №64

After coming to see Dr Sharik Ali I am so very happy. When I first came to see the doctor, I was suffering from severe back pain and neck pain. I had suffered with these back issues since 2017 and the neck since January 2021. For the last 4 years I had not left any doctor, I tried so many doctors and had drips and injections to try and manage. I would get pain travelling to the leg and there seemed to be no solution. Pain would always come and go and despite seeing several physios I would get only a couple of days of relief, maximum one week, and then it would return. When coming to see Dr Sharik Ali, he took one step back and first examined me and did a consultation only. To be frank I am very happy the doctor did not rush and first gathered all the relevant information, including getting my x-rays and MRI, to be thorough. Only then he began work on me and the result has been nothing short of amazing. My back pain and neck pain has nearly completely vanished right from the second or third meeting. Also, I have to mention this bery important improvement. From the age of 13 I have had difficulties in hearing due to typhoid fever when I was a teenager. Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah even my hearing has improved in my left hear! I can say alhamdulillah my left ear hearing has improved at least 40% since Dr Sharik Ali’s adjustments. He is bringing mu body to balance and I recommend him to everyone. I am so grateful a specialist and world class expert like this is available on Dubai. Thanks to Allah there is hope for everyone here in the UAE.

Review №65

Hiwas having cervical issues read here there saw reviews thought to visit took appointment was told by reception that 700 aed charges for 1st visit looking in to problem and 3-40 mins treatment accordingly, reached there and came to nw from chiro Sharik ali that its just the problem he will see and session will be on your next paid visit of 600aed. no other choice was n pain he did check up few points and many problems were told to me and said he can fix all not an issue. latter said need mri need full spinal x ray that also need to be from there own designated partner diagnostic center the moment i left the clinic a call came saying Dr.Ali asked for your tests u need to come, with in no time my number was provided to them i just asked for estimated charges and got reply same time 4500 aed wow wow. so my experience was this i wasted taxi money all the way from sharjah to him and back with 700aed as 1st visit.

Review №66

Today my sister and I saw Sharik Ali. I never had 👎experience in my life. Sharik dont care about patient. He just making money!We paid AED 687.00 for 10 minutes . I dont understand why Sharik unprofessional and unhelpful!Im extremely not recommended!

Review №67

Dr. sharik improved my back problem that i have been suffering for 2 years. Good improvement in 2 weeks! Would recommend

Review №68

Was feeling some intense pain in my back, and after several sessions with Dr. Sharik I can happily say the pain has been minimized a great deal! I feel much better now.

Review №69

Feeling good after treatments with Dr Sharik Ali. Very good.

Review №70

I had a good solid spinal adjustment to the full spine under Dr Sharik Ali. The correction felt firm but not forceful. It is clear to see he has a skilled touch and a friendly character at the same time. This must be continued and I intend to utilise this chiropractic care for my long term health. Thank you doctor.

Review №71

Before coming to see Dr Sharik I was getting lower back pain as well as neck pain on and off for the last 5 years. The pains would come on whenever I would do any lifting of heavy items, while the neck wpuld give me issues while sitting at the computer.i heard that Dr Sharik Ali was an experienced doctor and the best in the profession at overcoming these issues with lasting results. This made sense to me as I did not want temporary relief, only to suffer again later. Dr first assessed me and advised me to take x-rays of my spine. It became so clear why I was suffering for so long and he explained to me whatbneeded to be done. Without Dr Sharik Alis help I would probably still be taking allopathic medication, but instead after only a couple of weeks I am 100% cured and I am confident my back is fixed. Thank you Dr Sharik Ali, your care and attention has been simply amazing and beyond compare.

Review №72

Dr :how can I help youMe : back pain is killing meDr : you at the right placeMe : let see how professional you rAfter few hours he called to check on meMe : doctor Im at the gym I ll call you back shortly hahahaYeah indeed , I ve been around the world n visited many chiropractorsHe s one of the best, thank you so much

Review №73

I had been getting pain in the right thigh for the last three months. This was especially painful in the mornings when I wake up. Strangely it would get aggravated when eating, possibly due to my diabetes and cholesterol problems. Thankfully with Dr Sharik Ali I started to notice good relaxation and pain reductions through my whole body. Immediately I have noticed differences alhamdulillah, as I used to hobble and limp when I first met the doctor but now my leg and feet feel light and I am walking straight. Thank you Dr Sharik, it is very appreciated.

Review №74

Great treatment by Dr Sharik Ali. Quality care!

Review №75

By the Grace of Allah, after Dr Sharik Alis treatment I felt the built up tension and weight of the body was lifted and I felt considerably more loose and relaxed through my neck, shoulders, and overall my body feels great. I immediately felt a great difference very rapidly and I expect a perfect healing under the care of this fine doctor.

Review №76

Dont waste your time with others getting temorary relief. dr sharik ali is the only chiropractor I know where you get proper medical examination with thorough investigation and permanent results. the best in town

Review №77

Dr Sharik Ali , is a Great Dr and has me feeling better . I come all the way from Atlanta Ga , and is a satisfied customer

Review №78

Alhamdulillah i feel great after having the adjustments to my spine. Dr Sharik helped my neck and upper back feel perfect.

Review №79

Five stars for dr sharik as he made me feel great with 100% relief

Review №80

I had a car accident in 2015 which left me in severe pain ever since in the lower back. It was not really treated except with pain control. I am so pleased to have met Dr sharik ali as with his treatment I immediately have felt no pain and this is a miracle.

Review №81

The doctor helped me with my neck and shoulder tension with precision and expertise and I am grateful to Dr Sharik Ali.

Review №82

I would get neck pains while turning my head during driving. With Dr Sharik Ali and his treatment I am happy to say there is no more sound or clicks coming from my neck.

Review №83

I just had an awesome spinal adjustment with Dr Sharik Ali. I had tension at the back of my head and neck but after the doctors skillfull work ot totally resolved and I am very happy to have visited this doctor.

Review №84

It is a good experience, especially if you have tried different stuff and it didn’t work. I think the main thing you get is the pain reduces slowly, not like physiotherapy. I feel my body is more mobile in the neck, my movement is much easier. The tension is much less so I can focus on other things. My lower back is really much better. Before it would wake ne up at night but now there is no pain, which means I wake up without pain in the mornings and my day is much better. My experience here with is good with Dr Sharik Ali and the team. The doctor has provided me with all the information that I required. There are many doctors that are very quiet and do not share what the problem is but Dr Sharik has been very open and accommodating. I would definitely recommend you to see him.

Review №85

Quite frankly, the ultimate treatment and care was given to me. It is clear without doubt, Dr. Sharik Ali is a true expert and authority in the field of the bone and joints and corrective treatment for the complete spinal column. Highly recommended if you seek the best in Dubai and Middle East.

Review №86

No one actually answer the numbers provided, infact they disconnectHaving 5 Star reviews doesnt makes you successful. Having proper booking system makes one successful

Review №87

Dr Sharik Ali adjusted my neck based on imbalance of the glands... I often get colds but with this correction I am hoping for better health. Thank you doctor

Review №88

Consultation Fees - 687 AEDPositive - Staff will help you with your reimbursement claims with your insuranceNegative - Money oriented chiropractor, will push you for a payment plan and take 8-10 sessions. Will sell you the down payment plan for 13K for 8-10 session otherwise the same will cost you 16-17K AED in installments.Will send you to Resonance Imaging Center at Umm Suqueim to get your X-rays done. Will personally take your phone and put the address on google maps, they charged 1300 AED for my X-rays and did not accept my insurance which is Metlife (Gold)If you have a herniated disc and in pain, please dont get fooled by these 5 star reviews

Review №89

Since coming to see Dr Sharik Ali i have noticed improvements from the very first day. My shoulder blade pain has improved a lot for sure, and my movement is easier. My workouts with my personal trainer are a lot better when boxing as there is less tension and easier movements in my shoulders while keeping my arms raised. Whats more, I have noticed much easier breathing as a result of the spinal adjustments and the better nerve communication to my lungs and chest. I am happy to have had care with Dr Sharik and I have been recommending to my family and friends.

Review №90

Really great experience. I am so happy with the improvements so far under care with Dr Sharik Ali. My arm pain has improved by 60% within only couple of weeks. I am confident my arm will continue to improve as we continue the course.

Review №91

Dr Sharon Ali taught me about nerve interference and how it could be affecting the nerve communication between the brain and body. He felt in my spine and said there is a bone out of place which is pressing the nerves in my body. This made sense as I was getting a lot of stiffness in my neck and mobility was low and I had pains in my head also. When the doctor made his correction and adjustment I felt immediate release of this tension. I expected the neck stress to alleviate but whats more surprising was my head also felt so much lighter. I am amazed by the instant change in my body and I am thankful to Dr Sharik for his knowledge and expertise in chiropractic.

Review №92

The lock in my neck is gone and has been resolved. I am no longer in pain and thankful to Dr Sharik Ali for his attention. Many thanks

Review №93

Thank you dr sharik ali for your expertise in treatment and your kind attention

Review №94

Superb care from Dr Sharik Ali with gentle and precise chiropractic adjustments. Thank you for making me feel relaxed and energetic.

Review №95

Spinal cord is stimulated and my body feel energized. Thanks Dr Sharik Ali

Review №96

Very relaxing treatment. Thanks Dr Sharik

Review №97

Feel much better after care with Dr Sharik Ali. While in Dubai I had been doing a lot of walking in the Baniyas Square and I was feeling tired and lazy. Now with Dr Sharik I feel so much more energised and my feet are now balanced. I would for sure recommend Dr Ali to others.

Review №98

Smooth movements in my neck and upper back area. Now I feel relaxed and my joint tension has disappeared, thanks to Dr Sharik Ali and his specialized care. Much appreciated

Review №99

The best treatment by Dr Sharik Ali. I feel great.

Review №100

Dr Sharik Ali explained to me in detail how the brain controls the body via the spine and spinal cord, and how interference to the body causes issues. This was the best information I have received in a long time, which no other doctor has explained so simply and clearly. When he performed his chiropractic spinal adjustments on my body, it made so much sense, and I am truly grateful. Thank you Dr Sharik

100 Photos
4.8 Rating
  • Address:Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Site:
  • Phone:+971 52 875 2667

  • Medical Center
  • Chiropractor
Working hours
  • Monday:Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday:Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday:Open 24 hours
  • Thursday:Open 24 hours
  • Friday:Open 24 hours
  • Saturday:Open 24 hours
  • Sunday:Open 24 hours
From the business
  • Identifies as women-led:Yes
Health and safety
  • Appointment required:Yes
  • Mask required:Yes
  • Temperature check required:Yes
  • Staff wear masks:Yes
  • Staff get temperature checks:Yes
  • Staff required to disinfect surfaces between visits:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible car park:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible lift:Yes
  • Toilets:Yes
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