Dubai Life Coach
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Review №1

COACH Lee is an amazing and generous person with positive energy and always optimistic. I am grateful to meet such a caring soul.Thank you for showing up in my journey.Always here to help us growing and achieving our best self. I will be taking more sessions with you so I can take my life to the next level. Highly recommended. The World need more people like you Lee!

Review №2

Lee is an outstanding speaker, coach and humble person. His energy and soul can be felt from every word he speaks. I was lucky to participate in one of his training sessions and I am grateful that I met him on my journey. Cant recommend him enough, go see for yourself.

Review №3

Lee is one of a kind a unique person full of energy wit a beautiful soul. It is a privilege to know him and to have an opportunity to feel his amazing energy. He shares his knowledge in the most effective way and truly feels and understands other people. I have never met anyone so dedicated to spread the love and help others on their life journey. The way he made me feel about my life and understand the process and what matters on the road to success and happiness is phenomenal. He is living his words and that is what sets him apart among life coaches out there.

Review №4

Lee has been such a fantastic support train from the very first second we met. He dedicates every lovely breath to see his students and clients succeed. I never thought it was possible to go through what Lee managed to take me through. He has changed my entire energy, way of thinking, and professionalism. Long story short, I am HAPPY because of Lee. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lee. You are phenomenal!!!

Review №5

Its always a phenomenal experience with Coach Lee. He is enthusiastic about helping people achieve their dreams and pursuits in life. He is a personal development coach, business coach and life coach wrapped all in one. You can feel his energy from 3 planets away. Im grateful to have met him and Im sure you would too

Review №6

Lee is like a charger for people around him with his energy and positivity, making people believe in themself with continued support. Thank you for putting the word ‘phenomenal’ in my life. Wish everybody will meet you at least once in their life.

Review №7

It was an amazing experience to have Coach Lee sessions, he has the ability to bring positive energy to all of us, I really learnt a lot for him in every hr, Thanks Coach for your support

Review №8

It was a wonderful experience filled with positive energetic vibes, learnt a lot in no time thanks to Coach Lee, such a great positive inspiring coach, an honor knowing him.

Review №9

Lee is the kind of person that you might be meeting for the first time, but feels like you know him forever & reminds you of that old friend that keeps coming up with the best and most heartfelt piece of advice necessary.Not to mention his impeccable communication skills, and the passionate engagement charisma that defines him as person and as professional.The energy currents that he contributes, are truly a mental and cognitive tipping point for those who hear.

Review №10

Lee is a Phenomenal person! working with him to improve ones sense of well being has been what I believe to be the beginning of a life changing experience. His ability to find the trigger in your doubt and enable you through structure to turn that into positive energy, is something very special. His approach to life is based on love and positive energy. No matter what uncertainty one may be experiencing, personal or career related, the methods Lee has to help you sharpen the tools that you have always had, so that you may live your best life, is nothing less than pure inspiration.

Review №11

The best life coach award goes to…. The very irreplaceable Lee Levy, beautiful soul and such a caring big heart. Speaks hard truths to push healthy change and never fails to make you giggle in the process. Couldn’t give ten stars if I could I would! Thank you for your ongoing help on my every growing journey!Shauny xx

Review №12

Coach lee is a phenomenal human being, he radiates contagious positive energy. he brings the best side in each person with love and I feel truly blessed to be going under his training. Honestly There are no words to express my gratitude to coach Lee.

Review №13

Any words that I put together cannot fully describe how special the PHENOMENAL coach Lee Levy are honestly he is the most positive , amazing, kind , genuine , caring , dedicated ( I can keep going again and again and again lol ) soul i have ever meet . Two weeks ago I was in a depression , lost, hopeless and sad asking myself existential questions but from day one he literally healed me with he’s positive energy and words , he makes me feel special and make me love myself a little bit more everyday. Thank you Thank you Thank you coach for this amazing journey , thank you for teaching us how to love ourselves and others 🙏🏽🙏🏽 . From the bottom of my heart i will forever be grateful to Allah for sending you into my life You are a real life SUPERHERO ❤️❤️

Review №14

I feel so lucky to have him as a coach, i learn from every small detail he says, Lee is a great mentor to your life. he is an incredible phenomenal person with his extremely positive energy filled with LOVE.All i can say that he is the best at what he does.

Review №15

Hello everyone!I have done several sessions with this great gentleman and he is just phenomenal! Every single morning he makes sure to reflect a positive and happy energy to his team and all people around and i can say that he is really blessed with this power that he have !! Thank youu coach Lee for now and future sessions

Review №16

Thank you Mr. Lee for the incredible effort youve given to motivate us, as many things need to be changed in our life to be successful.You are the only one and the best inspiring Coach ever.

Review №17

My life changed when I met this kind, generous soul. I wasnt ready to meet an individual with such high enthusiasm, energy and gratitude for life. He has done so much for me over the short time I have met him - Not just a crucial adjustment in my career but a 360 degree turn around in my personal life.Truly a remarkable human being preaching love and positivity. Also a fantastic professional.

Review №18

Lee, is an incredible life coach and friend. With an amazing zest for life. You have made a profound impact on my life. Your guidance and support was more than I could ever have possibly imagined.There are no words to adequately express how much Lees advice has meant to me, but I will say that my heart has been cracked wide opened and that I am forever changed from it.Thank you for holding a space for my highest self to blossom and creating a beautiful space of flow balanced with inspiring action and encouragement.Lee, you are a WORLD CLASS coach.

Review №19

One of the best decisions i have made ever to attend coach lee sessions, life changing, better look on who i am, and push me to be successful in my personal and professional life, the best investment i have made ever .Thank you coach lee for being who you are

Review №20

Coach Lee one of the best healers Ive ever met ... he taught me so much and the most important thing that he taught me self-love and to believe in myself... Im grateful to have such a great soul in my life 🙏

Review №21

The best investment i have ever done is attending coach lee sessions , life changing, better look on who i am, and push me to be successful in my personal and professional life, the best investment i have made ever .Thank you coach lee for being who you are

Review №22

Coach Lee the Best coach in Dubai, his charisma, his personality make every sesión very exciting and pleasant, all the knowledge, the love and energy he has to give to people is incredible, thank you for every teaching very professional and a life time learning.

Review №23

Lee is the most upbeat & positive person I have ever meet and it is pretty much impossible to come away from him without having some of that positive influence reflected somewhere in your life. Seeing Lee was part of a life changing journey for me, and I came away with tools that years later when in similar rough patches (as life goes), all those skills and coping mechanics he taught me came back. I believe that if your looking for someone who can bring some positivity, reassurance, goals and or solutions into your life he certainly can. He listens, challenges, is kind, funny, and ultimately awakens you to a new way of thinking and outlook on life! Ultimately enabling you to make better decisions and better trust your own internal compass. I really believe that everyone comes away from him not able to thank him enough! He goes totally over and above helping everyone whom he comes into contact with!

Review №24

We all go through various discomforts in life and some of us do get a little more consumed then what we realise. My time with Lee started when I needed healing the most and I am truly blessed to be walking my journey with him.I am greatfull for what Ive come to know and excited for whats to come.Have courage to reach out, you are missing out on a beautiful world.

Review №25

Really glad that I met you, you are an amazing person who changed a lot in my life sense I met you

Review №26

Always gives you positive energy and motivation to chief your goals, highly recommended

Review №27

I came to Lee with a business idea and he has been the most tentative, inspirational business consultant/mentor I could ever ask for. IF you said to me 4 weeks ago what kind of person would you like to have as your mentor? I wouldve described Lee. I feel blessed to have you in my life Lee and I thankyou from the bottom of my heart for every word of wisdom that you pass my way.

Review №28

Our life is going on a high speed with a lot of pressure and challenges that makes you sometimes loses the sense of direction and sanity. If that what you feel, then Lee is who you are searching for. Because he helps you see the world from different perspective, logical and fun. I am a fan and a believer of his talent and passion for helping other. Thank you for being on our earth and reaching a helping hand when no one around and nothing to get in return.

Review №29

Lees approach to life coaching is not just about providing you with philosophical theories - it is essentially uncovering a way of life. His coaching sessions provide you with the tools, perspectives and mindset to continue coaching yourself, enabling you to overcome obstacles independently and become more effective at achieving your goals.One of the most important lessons that I have carried forward with me, is the importance of consistency. I can recall Lee saying these words countless times, ensuring that I am well prepared to practice my new values and principles on my own, in my daily life. I am extremely thankful that Lee entered my life at the very moment that he did, and for the benefit of his lessons in every aspect of life.

Review №30

High recommend Lee as a life coach. He helped me overcome something I had struggled for a long time. He passion, understanding and wanting to see me succeed made it so much easier for me to learn more about myself and just work towards being happy and living in the moment. I am finally at peace and feel so much strong

Review №31

Lee gave me a training in regards to real estate and I can say that he is very knowledgeable about real estate and a lot of other aspects of life including Law as he gave me advice and insights as well.Lee is definitely an amazing person anr a very professional individual, he is great at understanding and screening professionals to direct them in the right career path. I would always be happy to learn more from him and his attitude about life in general.A great individual that I will always recommend and revert back to him for advice! He is a phenomenal

Review №32

Lee, you are an amazing role model for each one of us. Motivation in physical being! The Passion you have to guide and direct others towards their goal with a unique energy constantly flowing out your personality, makes you a Unique coach! The best I have ever met and will always recommend. Lots of Love.

Review №33

When I reached out to Lee, I was at breaking point, sad, hopeless & helpless and I felt like there was no purpose to my life. Lee, God sent you in my life out of nowhere to save me. 🙏. Your genuine, caring nature , your willing to fulfil my purpose from the very beginning. Your dedication , patience, knowledge you have added into my journey. I never felt like another number, nor was it about the $$$$! I truly say this because I have seen dozens of therapists and left alone like I was nothing. Lee made me feel special even to this very day the fact that I can speak to him at anytime providing he ain’t busy of course. The ongoing support, and respect given during every session and yes time did fly. I kept at everything he requested of me and when he felt I wasn’t as strong as he would like me to be, he put me on track. I couldn’t thank Lee enough, you have taught me what self love is!! I am in complete awe. I love everything this journey offered me the good times and bad. It’s made me stronger, independent in so many ways and most importantly at peace and happy. Thankyou, Thankyou Thankyou for everything. God bless you Lee & keep you strong and healthy now & always. Luv Mich ❤️❤️🙏🙏💃🏼💃🏼

Review №34

I get to know Mr. Levy through KeyOneRealtyGroup platform, I was recruited as a real estate agent there. Theres such a good energy around him and his teachings not only useful and informative for my professionalism and product knowledge but also touched so much on personal growth. I felt like I removed some mental blockages from my belief system and owned a new perspective of creating abundant life, these are very valuable Im sure in everyones lives. I appreacite so much for this opportunity to have a life coach like him. You can find many life coaches in Dubai, but only experienced and kind soul like him can answer your questions. I deeply respect him and wish him the best in life. Thank you 🙏 keep planting seeds of fresh ideas 🌱🌻

Review №35

Lee is an amazing, amazing life Coach and is full of life and positive energy, he has made me believe in myself and has taught me to always be positive in life no matter the circumstances and as he always says there is comfort in recognizing discomfort. Being new to the real estate industry, he has taught me a lot and made me believe that I can make it in this industry. He encourages everyone to be consistence and work smart. I highly recommend him as a professional life coach to your career, relationship, marriage as he will help you turn your life around to the better.

Review №36

Ive worked with many people, from all over the world, but few of them manage to create communication channels as effectively and permanently as Lee.In a few weeks he was able to share tons of information to co-workers in a way that it was easy to assimilate for everyone.I would define his personality as a shot of caffeine to your daily life.The work ethic, positivity and relentless energy that he brings over everyone around him, make him one of the best leaders I was lucky enough to cross paths with.

Review №37

Dear Coach Lee,“Average players want to be left alone. Good players want to be coached. Great players want to be told the truth.” Doc Rivers.As soon as this quote came up to my mind, I thought I would need to open myself up to a life coaching session. Every now and then, life seems to get tougher and rougher - piled up with several difficulties that we may struggle to face by ourselves - even though *positivism* is our very first thought before Fajr & after Maghrib.I would like to thank you again and again coach Lee for being such a phenomenal and inspirational soul, who has heavily helped recognising that there is no wrong time for evolving and becoming a better version of myself. Your kind words have truly made an impact on both sides of my brain and deep inside my heart.Many blessings to you!Gabriela Mora

Review №38

I am not a morning person, however, every morning when I enter the class there is a huge, genuine, smile on my face. Why? Because every class of coach Lee is interesting, different, happy and POSITIVE! I can proudly say that I am trained by a person who is so patient, encouraging and supportive, while being emphatic and professional. All of us in the group have an amazing energy and synergy, because we are inspired to be like our leader. He connected to us on the very first day and became not just our career counselor, but as well he gave us very valuable insights how to achieve all of our personal and professional goals. Coach Lee is not teaching us to how to get the job done, but how to master it and he is doing it with great passion. I am very glad and proud to say I have been trained by coach Lee and would highly recommend to anyone who wants to grow professionally and spiritually to meet him or have a session with him, because it is life changing experience that will leave you with only one option: pursue your goals and dreams fearless - and success is guaranteed! Remember, doubt kill more dreams than failure ever will, so if you are ready to self-reflect, unlock your potential and achieve your goals - the right person is just a call away.

Review №39

Coach AKA (Mr. Phenomenal) is one of the best life coach we have come a cross. It’s been an absolute Honor to work with him and trained by him. One of the most structure and professional person I have ever met. The level of work, training and hiring is on next level. I would recommend him for any organization

Review №40

Coach Lee...cant be described in few words. Super energetic, super positive all the time, core of happiness in any circumstances.And at the same time super professional and knowledgeable.The greatest thing that i learned for myself from coach Lee is that In anything you do -respect yourself. This is non negotiable!

Review №41

A wise man once said ”Consistency at confidence can make you millions”.... In my life Consistency was present and With Coach Lee we refined confidence and shaped knowledge and now I am on my way to making millions.A wise man once said “Hard work and determination pays off” .... Hell yeah it does.Obviously the wise man is coach Lee, His energy and his super ability to change people lives was pretty obvious from the moment we met, And It’s not only knowledge and years of experience he is there to spread ,He spreads values, happiness and love in every word he mentions.I have never met anyone like him and I do thank god that we crossed path as I learned I changed I developed and i got to find out the best of me.There is no limits for your capabilities and it takes someone like coach Lee to get you there.Thank you for everything you have done for us, You have been brilliant, I’ve witnessed you change lives and for that I am forever grateful.

Review №42

I Met Coach Lee at a significant Turning Point in my Life when I had just lost a Job that I Loved so much and I just began looking for a New Career. From the First Day I met Lee my worries and uncertainty began to go away. He has been very supportive and did a tremendous good job at helping me find new Purpose in my Life. If you want new meaning in your life, someone to help you fix various aspects in your life. Lee is the right answer and the Best coach to start your Journey. I have a lot of Respect for him. He is Trustworthy and very Personal with everyone.

Review №43

I highly recommend Lee as a life and career coach. Working with him over the past few years , his provided exceptional value in his ability to assess situations speedily and offer concrete tools, processes and plans of action to enable successful growth, change and resilience. His energy is absolutely infectious. Lee is a phenomenal coach !

Review №44

Lee is a great professional with a high standard for values and a nice welcoming and motivating personality.He constantly strives for excellence and you can tell in how he presents himself to the world.He’s constantly groomed, he’s always on time and his social and emotional skills are exceptional.I highly recommend him as a professional but more importantly as a person.

Review №45

Every time we meet Lee we can feel the high vibration and his enthusiasm. Coming for his sessions it’s always a bright part of the day. I want to thank Lee for his mentorship during hard times and for believing in our professional potential. His sessions are phenomenal!

Review №46

One of the Best sessions I ever I attended.Lee is a great coach full of positivity and good energy that you feel it from the moment you enter his classroom. Thank you for the professionalism and support 🙏🏽

Review №47

The most phenomenal, energetic, and positive person I have ever met. He has helped me get through one of the most difficult time of my life and I look forward to his sessions every single day, he has helped me recognize I weakness and strength and to be more confident. I am truly grateful Mr Levy

Review №48

Thank you Thank you Thank you Coachfor motivating and guiding us with such powerful inspirational training sessions, for being a phenomenal Mentor for our own personal development and success.I’m so grateful and wish you all the best!And “it’s always up to us” 👊🏼🙏🏼

Review №49

Best training by coach Lee for both personal and organizational growth. Amazing and uplifting spirit, super motivational, much needed in the workplace!!

Review №50

You will never imagine and realize how powerful and love focused this amazing person is ,until you will at least once listen to him !! He will get the best out of anyone !He will change your way of thinking and reinvent your life !

Review №51

Lee has so much positivity. He knows how to inspire and motivate people around him. Excellent knowledge and the most important thing, he is the example of success. 🙏🏻

Review №52

Coach Mr. Lee inspires you from the very first moment. In every session he gives you advise and examples for your personal life, career, business, it doesn’t, matter he will try to move everything he can to make you realize how beautiful is life and how beautiful are opportunities (at least that was my experience) Thank you coach.

Review №53

I am deeply appreciate the positive impact in my professional and private life after the session by Coach Lee . Generosity of Lee sharing his knowledge has benefit me in many ways . He is a true mentor and guidance that will lead you towards success in life .

Review №54

It was my pleasure to be guided and developed by Lee for last 4 weeks. Extreamly vibrant and charismatic personality, who can change any event into an eye and heart opening lesson. Glad you were part of my jurney. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Review №55

What can i say,Coach Lee is a presence in his own way,he vibrates positivity in the highest frequency that rubs on to everyone.He touches souls together yet individually.He is the life coach i never thought i needed.Im so grateful that he crossed my path.Should i get a chance,Id choose him all over again.Much Love Coach Lee 💖

Review №56

Amazing coach ,you will be just grateful to get to be trained by Lee.He helped us a lot and cheer us up during difficult period of corona virus crisis when we lost our job .He was there for us !He filled us with energy ,and that was the only thing we needed .He enlightened our path and pushed us to another successful road smoothly. I will always be grateful to Coach Lee and to the phenomenal experience we had with him .

Review №57

Mr. Lee is without doubt one of the best coach I have ever meet, he is the most positive person and beautiful soul, the kind of person everyone wants on their team, his passion and good energy will always motivate everyone without matter the reason behind .Thank you, thank you, thank you !!! for being such an inspiration!

Review №58

Lee was always on hands with his upbeat positive energy ensuring your day was not gone without a smile and reassurance.Great motivator and team spirit booster!

Review №59

Phenomenal, Supportive and amazing life coach .I’ve been passing through a bad time in life , and then I joined a new company at this time , Met Coach Lee .And the positive vibe I’ve got from him and the supportWas more than enough to put me back on the track , Elhamdoellah and I’m very blessed to be apart of his team . ☺️👌🏼Coach LeeThank you thank you thank you so much ☺️☺️

Review №60

Coach Lee his simply phenomenal,great motivator with full of positive energy and vibrant personality.He bring the best in each individual with kindness and devotion.Thank youThank youThank you

Review №61

Excellant Motivator and Mentor. Not only have you been a fantastic mentor to me, but you have taught me how to keep myself motivated all the time whether it is business, service or personal life. Thank you for being such a great role model.

Review №62

Dubai Life Coach, Mr. lee Levy is indeed a phenomenal soul. I have seen a massive expansion and growth in my personal and professional life since the day I met him. He is so energetic, honest, kind and loyal person. He has guided me in my professional career.I feel so grateful and at peace now that I have had the privilege to work with him. I have no shame to admit that I was once a person filled with ego, up until my head. I didn’t even realize it that I’d this disease throughout my life. However, I thank to my Lord that he’d given me a chance to meet Mr. Lee and he transformed my life completely.Alhamdulillah, I vibrate on a different frequency today. My life is at peace. I have met my authentic self and I am a better person now. I wish I could met him many years back!I love you for the sake of Allah my dear Coach!

Review №63

I have known Mr Lee for about ten years in Dubai and I have never met anyone with so much energy. It doesn’t matter where you see him, he will make you feel happier. He helped me through me divorce which I must say, drained the life out of me.He has so much patience and his voice has this way of lifting a person when you down. I think we who know him must pray that Allah protect and guide him to keep doing when he’s doing. His making a difference in this life for many people. 👌

Review №64

I want to thank my God for letting me know Coach Lee for what he is doing and helping lots of people to over come lost confidence in every sector of Life. He is such a Phenomenal guy . All i can say about him is He is the wind beneath my wings. thank you Coach lee.

Review №65

Dear LeeThank you for your timeThank you for your kindnessThank you for your positivityThank you for sharing your knowledge..Thank you for everything!The world needs more humans like you!

Review №66

Thank you Mr.Levi for all you do! For sharing your knowledge, for positive energy! I always use the tips from your videos that you share on social media. May God Bless you!

Review №67

Our phenomenal Coach Lee is definitely the most positive and inspiring leader I have ever met. Lees energy is so positive that it leaves goose bumps on my skin and ripples of positive vibrations at every encounter we have. My life has certainly transformed and the teachings and principles that Coach Lee imparts has made an extraordinary impact on my life. I am eternally grateful to have met Lee and I will recommend any individual or corporate business to embark on an experience of a life time with Coach Lee. Much love, peace, abundance and blessings always. My life has changed positively with our coaching and continues to do so.

Review №68

No-no, there is Nobody like you.Over 20 years of friendship, with such a distance between us, and yet You have a way of putting a me to smile on my face. Your confidence and passion for life, oozes with enthusiasm and energy, making me want to be a better Me.If only you know how you have touched my Life - Thank You👣

Review №69

Where to start, Lee is an incredible character. His energy and passion is so rare to find in a human being. I truly believe from the bottom of my heart, that if you ever need to talk to someone, or need a boost of positivity, Lee will be there for you. I cannot count the amount of times I have called him late at night or early in the morning to discuss a personal problem. Hands down the best mentor, coach and friend I have ever known and I truly enjoy, every encounter.

Review №70

Words are not enough to express how wonderful this person is. His teachings and training are great treasure that i will always cherish and input in my life to achieve my goals and to leads me to success. His training indeed help me to become a better person and enable me to see all my challenges as an opportunity for me to go to the next level. Over and over again i will always look forward for your training coach Lee. Thank you from my deepest heart for all your words of wisdom, encouragement, and makes my faith to grow more better. Stay blessed Coach Lee.

Review №71

Mr Lee is definitely great soul. He really helped me to find my way and improve my career.I will definitely recommend Dubai Life Coach to all my friend who are looking to improve their life and career, get fueled with positive energy.

Review №72

To find a soul who does what he loves and is so Phenomenally passionate about it, that this is his natural force every single day, this is 100% Life coach Lee Levy. He is a natural born healer and leader in all that he does daily, giving freely and teaching through love, understanding, wisdom and most of all gratitude. I cant even begin to explain how grateful I am every day of my life since he came into my life and helped me. He first helped me years ago to understand and deal with the loss of my mum and to grow beautifully through this experience in my life journey. Lee Levy you are the best and I wish for your healing and love to continue to have a ripple effect of love on all living in our Universe in the same way that its had in mine and continues to have. Thank you, thank you, thank you I am eternally grateful to you. 🙏🙏🙏💫

Review №73

What a phenomenal soul, Lee!!! Sharing his positive attitude to make our lives better. Wish you all the best, my friend.

Review №74

Lee has helped me over the past few years to transform my life and teach me the tools to guide myself towards a life that I feel happy and unbundant. His open and positive nature enables ones self to become vulnerable to work together to understand the self, issues and ways to overcome them. Not only is he a counselor, he is a friend and shows this through his continued investment in your expansion as a patient but always offers his services no matter the level you are at

Review №75

I certainly,without a single doubt in my mind recommend Dubai Life Coach for all types of healing and I am testament to an improved,happier,healthier and more confident person because of his priceless advice and even tho miles away.. he is available in a blink of an eye with the utmost love,care,kindness,respect and positivity.I have known you for over 30yrs and have seen the most PHENOMENAL transformation in u too.I will always love,respect and be so so proud of ur beautiful heart and soul KING LEE LEVY.I sincerely thank u for everything.May u only continue to prosper in this life as well as the hereafter.

Review №76

Coach Lee has worked dedicatedly and inspired so many positive changes in me and the the team...... there is no way I would have achieved the goals that I have without his devotion...... undoubtedly the best source of positive energy and inspiration I have met in the Middle East.... just being in his aura makes you pull up your sleeves and make magic happen.... I am blessed to be one of this who constantly learns from him

Review №77

Mr Lee what can say. Ive known you for just over four years but it seems like a life time and super excited to meet in person one day.You have be far over exceeded my expectations of a Life Coach. Your wisdom and prayers has helped me change my life. Knowing whatever  word , prayer or message you put out everyday has always helped me get through some of pumps in my beautiful journey. I am extremely humble and grateful and honoured to know you My Lee Levy. So thank you thank you thank you💖🙏💖🙏💖🙏💖Namaste beautiful kind Soul

Review №78

Satisfaction can not be talked into... it has to be felt. I must say I feel satisfied.Dedication, direction, and strategy are key words that come to my mind when I think of my life coach

Review №79

Lee is not only an experienced life coach, he is an incredibly kind, genuine and loving person who is always looking to help or just be there for people who might need a helping hand. He has inspired me in many ways. Theses days there are a lot of life coaches out there, and it is not always easy to distinguish the competent/genuine ones from the amateurs/fake ones, so meeting Lee was a blessing. He has helped me set things in perspective both in my personal and proffesional life. I appreciate the fact that he does not give you answers, he asks you the right questions so that you reflect and make your own realizations/decisions. Thus if you need a life coach, I would highly recommend Lee!

Review №80

The best life coach ever, with a Realistic approach, in every problem we confront on day to day life.

Review №81

There is not much to say that has already been said in these reviews below about Coach Lee Levy. he truly is an extraordinary person who honestly goes out of his way to listen and offer advice and guidance that allows me to expand at being the bets of me.Its amazing how my life took shape when i actually took the time to pay attention and activate his guidance. He speaks with so much passion for healing and one feels fresh and uplifted after a session with him.I will recommend Dubai Life Coach Lee Levy any day to anyone who is serious about healing. x

Review №82

A person with full of knowledge and information, who always loves to share his experience and knowledge with everyone happily. A real life coach.I have learned alot.

Review №83

My experience with King Lee as my life coach has been an experience I will always cherish.Caring and so giving ,he helped me back onto my path during a very challenging time in my life.The fruits of his generosity has echoed throughout my life until this very moment.Thank u Lee ...forever will I be grateful to you...indeed I will pay your generosity forward and the Golden nuggets you have placed in the palm of my hand...much love,Roch

Review №84

Lee..what a phenomenal human being always inspiring me with all his positive quotes and posts.I really look forward to my Instagram every morning and am very blessed to follow such an inspiring person thats always so full of energy and gratitude..Thank you , thank you thank you Lee

Review №85

Dubai Life Coach: Mr. Lee is Phenomenally Amazing! He is a Super Star, he spreads good vibes and motivate others thru his kind words and good deeds. He shines the room by his smile and positivity. He is a guru that will teach and guide you the right words to say and things to do. He will pull you up and push you towards your greatest potential. From the bottom of my hypothalamus, a massive Thank you to you! Keep shining and inspiring! ⭐️

Review №86

Coach Lee Levy has such an amazing way of letting one feel completely comfortable with being vulnerable. It took me a few months of counseling with him to release years and years of hurt and pain of past relationships.His energy and optimism is overwhelming to say the least and with such comfort when he effortlessly advise and guides one to vibrate at the highest truest version of me.Would certainly not hesitate to recommend this life coach in Dubai and it doesnt matter where in the world you are...he counselled me while I was in the UK. x

Review №87

I have known Lee for over 5 years his words or wisdom and guidance have been invaluable. Having become a great friend and a person who I can always get trusted advice.

Review №88

A teacher who never gets tired of his students. He is passionate, committed and consistent in what he does.

Review №89

In Dubai, Life Coach means Lee Levi.I met this amazing guy back to 2012 in my years in Dubai, in a premium Real Estate company. He was the motivation power behind the enormous success of the companys agents. Later, I asked Lee to become my Personal Coach in Dubai and since then my life changed completely.Lee really helped to change my view in me and my life, with a positive outlook, I know how to think through things and how take action to get results like never before. My life is in balance, with great success both personal and professional.Lees holistic approach and deep knowledge of life coaching, make him a world class personal coach and me very lucky i met him!I cannot thank Lee enough for this wonderful experience, his so beautifully support and encouragement and belief in me!Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Lee!You are the most Phenomenal Life Coach in Dubai!Paschalis Filios, GreeceP.S. Lee is also a kind soul who offers huge charity in Dubai. He is amazing!

Review №90

Amazing energetic personal and professional training

Review №91

Dubai life coach Lee Levy transformed my life with his energetic approach filled with enthusiasm. He encouraged me with his counseling methods to regain my coping mechanisms and able to be stronger than my former self.

Review №92

Lee the phenomenal person with positive attitude. He’s spreading positive energy everywhere, I Know him only couple of months back but in this period i felt like there’s a person in life who van change your life by giving you positivity, push , and help from heart without expecting anything back , he just gives for the sake of humanity . He is so genuine with charming personality. I really feel lucky to get to know him cause he really changes my vision in life and people. If anybody wants a life coach I highly recommend Lee

Review №93

Amazing human being and amazing service. I have known Lee for couple of years and he is a phenomenal and positive person that is genuine with his services.

Review №94

Where to start with Lee! An incredible human being, that I’ve known for such a short time yet has changed my life in such an impactful way. I met Lee a few months ago by chance in an elevator, and I’m grateful every day that I was in the right place at the right time. Lee’s positive and generous approach to life not only makes him a phenomenal person to be around, but an amazing mentor, life coach and friend.Lee’s counseling is truly a gift, which has helped guide and equip me (and so many others) with the right skills to reach my truest expression of self. Lee is a life coach who is genuinely interested helping others transform their lives in unimaginable ways. No matter how long it takes and what time of the day it may be, you can always count on Lee to guide you in the right direction, with a smile on his face.I look truly forward to continuing my personal growth journey with Lee as my coach and I wish the same for many others who are lost and seeking help.Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Review №95

He has such a positive energy that just makes you to just try one more time and not give up and his work in charity speaks volumes, just gives so much hope in humanity. Keep up the good work ,stay humble and blessed

Review №96

Leading by example ... Lee , you have helped me in more ways than I can ever put into words. Thank you Thank You Thank You ♡♡♡♡♡Positivity and Love is the ONLY way to hapiness.

Review №97

Lee is extremely energetic and very much on point with everything. A great person to be around.

Review №98

Any, even the strongest person can and definitely faces hard times in his/her life road. This is a part of our life that has UPs and DOWNs on it’s way. That’s normal. However, in such times many of us forget about who we are and what we are able to do. We forget that we have a lot of power inside to overpass any difficulties. And in such periods of life many people need a real support and wise advise that help them to go out from the stress and look at their lives by real eyes and understand that there is nothing that is impossible. I spent a great part of my life in Dubai and was so happy to meet a phenomenal person – Lee Levy King. This person is a LIVE inspiration. He is able to look deep inside and get the most important. I think that this amazing man, who can become the best Life Coach for anyone who needs. I can blindly recommend him. To restart your life, you need to do the first step. King Lee Levy is the best first step for anyone!Denis KarasevCEO and Founder of Pangaea Investment Company

Review №99

The Best and most Practical Life coach you can get . With 100% of own experience and real life situation.

Review №100

Energy. Enthusiasm. Passionate. Helpful. Phenomenal. Kind Soul. #Positivity

94 Photos
5 Rating
  • Address:Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Site:
  • Phone:+971 55 796 1220

  • Life coach
  • Gym
Working hours
  • Monday:7AM–7PM
  • Tuesday:Closed
  • Wednesday:7AM–7PM
  • Thursday:7AM–7PM
  • Friday:7AM–7PM
  • Saturday:7AM–7PM
  • Sunday:7AM–7PM
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance:Yes
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